Our adventures started in March 2012 when suddenly our real selves couldn't get to GDITC Girls Day in the Country with all our blog buddies so they made us a present....very thoghtful but it took a turn and now we are celebrities ourselves..........it was decided that we would not go home to roost with our real sleves but continue to travel to random places on random adventures with our blog buddies...........More adventures will be posted here so stay turned.........follow the blog..........see what happens to us............We hope you enjoy our adventure.......you just never know where we may turn up around the blogaverse.......

Friday, August 16, 2013


Does anyone know where our luggage and passport are???


Cheryll said...

OOoh... are they off somewhere?
OOOoo sooo exciting! :)

Susan said...

They didn't have them when they went to Cassilis......it was a day trip.

loulee said...

They arrived just fine without them! I'll see if passport control can arrange a special page! ;-)

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Sorry Chooky...I did not see this post....I have it

DAWNIE said...

Well they cant teavel without them"""""" or is that the plan!!!!

DAWNIE said...

Well they cant teavel without them"""""" or is that the plan!!!!